What is DHT (Di-Hydro-Testosterone)?  

Today in this article we will discuss How to block DHT and DHT blocking foods. Dihydrotestosterone (DHT C19H30O2) is an androgen. An androgen is a male sex hormone that contributes to the development of what are thought of as “male” sex characteristics, such as body hair, Beard, Heavy Voice, Muscular body etc. 

Dihydrotestosterone, (DHT, 5α-dihydrotestosterone, 5α-DHT, androstanolone or stanolone) is an endogenous androgen sex steroid and hormone. The enzyme 5α-reductase catalyzes the formation of DHT from testosterone in certain tissues including the prostate gland, seminal vesicles, epididymides, skin, hair follicles, liver, and brain. Female’s body also produces and stores testosterone hormone but the quantity is 15th time less than her counterpart does. But it can also make you lose your hair faster and earlier.


How to Block DHT?? DHT Blocking Foods
(How to Block DHT?? DHT Blocking Foods)

How DHT (Di-Hydro-Testosterone) is produced in the body?—

As we know Male body produces “sex” hormone called Testosterone, which develops secondary characteristics of male. When our body produces Testosterone in normal quantity then everything is fine, it helps in development of body. But, when our body produces testosterone in excess then it gets converted into DHT (Di-Hydro-Testosterone) with the help of an enzyme called 5α-reductases (also known as 3-oxo-5α-steroid 4-dehydrogenases, are enzymes involved in steroid metabolism. They participate in 3 metabolic pathways: bile acid biosynthesis, androgen and estrogen metabolism).


Why high Testosterone is produced in the body?—

Our body produces testosterone natural, but there are few instances when our body can produce testosterone above normal level and that can be dangerously for our hair. The common things that can lead to increase in production of Testosterone are followings-

  • Abnormally high testosterone levels can be caused due to high protein diet. If your body is not absorbing the protein that you take through diet or supplement then it can lead to the formation of DHT.

  • Artificial Testosterone – if you are athlete and taking testosterone dose externally then it may be a reason for the formation of DHT.

  • Anabolic steroid abuse: Sometimes used by athletes and bodybuilders to build more muscle mass or increase athletic performance.

  • Less Workout- If you are on a high protein diet and not doing exercise enough, and then your testosterone may get converted into DHT.


How DHT Leads to Hair Fall?  

In human beings the conversion of Protein into DHT starts when we are in our mothers lap. The naturally conversion rate of DHT is near 5% to 10%, but the problem arises when the conversion rate goes beyond 10%. As we know our hair grows in hair follicle in our scalp. hair follicle is a part of the skin, which grows a hair by packing old cells together

DHT has a tendency to attach with the Hair Follicle. High levels of androgen, including DHTcan shrink your hair follicles as well as shorten this cycle, causing hair to grow out looking thinner and more brittle, as well as fall out faster. DHT can also make it take longer for your follicles to grow new hairs once old hairs fall out. DHT is thought to cause hair follicles to miniaturize, and this contributes to male pattern hair fall. By the age of 50 years, over half of the men in the U.S. will probably experience hair fall mediated by DHT. Treatments that block DHT may help prevent hair fall. 


How to block DHT?  

Now, from the above discussion you have been aware that our body needs DHT for the development of what are thought of as “male” sex characteristics, such as body hair, Beard, Heavy Voice, Muscular body etc, but in a limited quantity. We need to block the extra DHT produced by our body, for this we have to change our diet and include the DHT blocking foods to our daily diet which will help us to block DHT and improve your hair growth;

  • LYCOPENE (C40H56) - It is a carotenoid − a natural pigment that gives some vegetables and fruits their red color. It is an antioxidant (a substance that protects against cell damage). You have to add Lycopene in your diet. It is present in Tomatoes, Watermelon, Mangoes, and Carrots etc.

  • LYSINE (C6H14N2O2) - It is a building block for protein. It’s an essential amino acid because your body cannot make it, so you need to obtain it from food. You have to add Lysine in your diet. It is present in nuts (Almonds, Peanuts etc).

  • A serving of 28 Grams of Nuts daily helps you to block the extra DHT. Nuts also have anticancer properties.

  • You can also add a herb/plant named Saw Palmetto


This plant also helps you to block the extra DHT present in your body. You can also add supplement of this herb, the recommended dose of this supplement is 500 mg to 1500 mg.

  • Biotin-rich foods like berries, legumes, oily fish, and bananas condition the skin and scalp creating an overall healthy environment for strong hair.


I hope I Have covered all the problems and solution of our topic How to Block DHT and DHT Blocking Foods. Do not forget to read other articles related to health and fitness, scroll up and read them from MAIN MENU
🙏🙏....... Stay Healthy, Live Long..... God Bless You All........💕💕

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